Power BI
BacklogPower App visual to point to parameterized PA environments/apps to work with deployment pipelines
Chris Haas on 15 Nov 2024 15:28:47
Power BI has deployment pipelines that support parameters for updating connection strings between different environments.
Power Apps also have deployment pipelines to support solutions / dataverse tables / apps in different environments.
However, these two environments do not currently stay in sync with each other. When a power app visual is added to the report canvas, the user must select the environment+app. This does NOT currently change between environments.
The Power Apps visual needs to be updated to accept parameterized EnvironmentID and AppID values. These can then be updated by the PowerBI deployment pipeline so that the entire solution can move seamlessly between environments.
Desired End State:
The Power BI semantic model in DEV workspace points to the Power App solution in the PowerApp DEV environment. When the PBI pipeline deploys the semantic model to Power BI PROD workspace, the Power App visual gets pointed to the Power App in its PROD environment.