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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Flexbox for PowerBI Visuals layout

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Andy Clapham on 28 Sep 2023 21:01:16

It would be great to have the equivalent of html flex layout for visuals in power BI - Allowing nesting of "container" visuals, with visuals inside a flex-layout-container adjusting to the constraints when being shown.

Not only would this alleviate the fiddly alignment and resizing of multiple controls at design time, it would also allow better handling of responsive design and accessibility at runtime: Just zooming the whole report to fit the screen is really not responsive! My users simply can't read some reports on smaller screens, and they can't adjust the text size ratio.

The other slightly more low-level thing is it would help stabilize report models for when version control becomes a priority - right now every little change results in a ton of of x/y coordinate changes in reports, rather than being able to see the meaning of a change - e.g. a new slicer was added to the slicer-area.

As PowerBI isn't print-oriented, your really could take advantage of some of the more mature layout mechanisms from web development.