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Conditional Formatting for Text

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Power BI User on 09 Nov 2017 03:18:20

It would be great to conditional format a table and/or a matrix based on the cell text, not only numbers

Administrator on 20 Jul 2024 20:49:20

This month we added the ability to format text fields based off a numeric field: We also are planning on adding a feature that will let you format your text based on comparisons. I'll update this idea based on our progress on that feature.

Comments (151)
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Snehal Mule on 25 Jul 2023 09:23:06

RE: Conditional Formatting for Text

Can you please let us know tentative date or Plan to implement this feature ?

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Sako Kassabian on 14 Mar 2023 23:01:18

RE: Conditional Formatting for Text

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEas others have said, we NEED bold, italic, etc as part of conditions. I'm about to present a project and I'm unable to bold some row headers and I'm going to be asked for that 'simple' change and my answer will be, 'sorry, not possible'. It looks bad on the product.

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Jacek Pawlowski on 21 Feb 2023 10:55:16

RE: Conditional Formatting for Text

really happy with this addition, thank youjust a thought though, I'm a big fan of the 'Fields Parameter' feature that was introduced recently, very helpful feature. Would you consider an enhancement of the string conditional formatting, just so it works with columns based on the Fields Parameter' value? It would be a fantastic addition to this I think. Thanks :)

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Jonathan Stephen on 07 Feb 2023 14:57:26

RE: Conditional Formatting for Text

No Brainer, simple excel style Text Value Conditional Formating without having to a) create a measure and b) write CodeCome on this utterly ridiculous

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Kyle Smith on 21 Jul 2022 14:18:42

RE: Conditional Formatting for Text

It is a bit frustrating sometimes to see this still not being added yet they take the time to add Augmented Reality Support for Dashboards when it feels like that feature would have a single digit percentage of utilisation (or lower) from the Power BI userbase. The functionality's in Excel, why is this still not being added to Power BI?

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Jillian Kratish on 26 Jun 2022 22:14:57

RE: Conditional Formatting for Text

Would also love to have bold, italic, underline, etc options for specific column. (Or specific row if using a matrix visual). Not necessarily conditional formatting. But speaking of conditional formatting, I sometimes want to have conditional formatting across several columns, not just one. If I have 5 different expense streams in a visual, I'd love to be able to color scale the whole values area.

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Dane Christian Belarmino on 10 Jun 2022 02:30:04

RE: Conditional Formatting for Text

Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough. Please add this as part of conditional formatting.

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Samuel Breslin on 10 May 2022 13:08:38

RE: Conditional Formatting for Text

Please add ASAP

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Jonathan Stephen on 26 Apr 2022 12:21:38

RE: Conditional Formatting for Text

Car Stereo without a Tone Control - Really?

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Mahindra Bisram on 24 Sep 2021 13:32:42

RE: Conditional Formatting for Text

This is a basic feature/requirement that should be implemented asap.

Merged Idea (2)