Jerrett Allmon on 06 Apr 2024 12:12:28
I would like to see some improvement on the search bar in the data panel. At the moment it does a simple fuzzy search against the column names. I would like the ability to be able to filter results to columns/measures with errors and also be able to see columns/measures that are unused in the the current page/report as a whole. In addition to this, I would also like to be able to have the search look beyond the column name and in the dax calculations themselves for keywords. Additionally, I would like to see columns/measure relationships in regards to where a column is referenced in other columns. These improvements would greatly improve the ability to troubleshoot larger data models. Having to expand all tables and scroll a large data model looking for calculation errors after altering a calculation or changing a table in power query in time consuming.
Forgive me if this is something you can already do in PBI desktop, but as it stands if this does exist it's not obvious how to do it at the moment.