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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Add Excel to the options of report, data, and model to allow Excel functionality within Power BI.

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John Syler on 17 Apr 2022 13:14:42

I love this idea and has been a frustration of mine with Power BI. Right now you have report, data, and model options. Can you add Excel as a fourth option and build all of the Excel functionality within Power BI? I was 'forced' to use Power BI because my Excel ODBC connection utilizing Power Query data was too large for 32-bit Excel. Since Power BI is 64 bit it can handle the large data sets. But I have to copy and paste data back into Excel to utilize Excel functionality for conditional formats, user selected drop down/toggles, etc... that are clunky or not readily available in Power BI. Would love to be able to do everything available in Excel(including Power Pivot) and combine with Power BI platform.That would truly be a 'Power' product.