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Use shareable connections in Dataflow Gen2

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Miguel Escobar's profile image

Miguel Escobar on 13 Mar 2024 18:18:39

Have the ability to share connections that can be used in Dataflow Gen2

Administrator on 01 Apr 2024 15:39:01

Support for Shareable Connections in Dataflows Gen2 is planned for the second half of CY2024.

Comments (1)
Miguel Escobar's profile image Profile Picture

Jason Deatherage on 21 Mar 2024 00:15:20

RE: Use shareable connections in Dataflow Gen2

This is important for me as well. We have a 3rd Party vendor that allows us to connect to a Azure SQL instance to extract data. We have 2 different logins to the same azure sql server/database and the only difference in the connection string is the username and password. They use row-level security on their data. The dataflow gen2 has to be owned by 2 different users so the personal cloud connectors can have correct credentials instead of being able to select the same cloud connectors that we use in our Semantic model connection strings. Here is the informational message I see when I look at the details of the cloud connector."Currently, these cloud connections are not supported by Dataflows, Dataflows Gen2, and Datamarts. To create personal cloud connections for these experiences, please use the Dataflows or Datamarts editor in "Get Data"." Please get this fix on the roadmap.