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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Power BI Built in way to group measures at Lower than a value and include a grouped description for them

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Debbie Edwards on 15 Feb 2024 11:07:22

I work on many Projects where the users don't want to show measures that are lower than a certain number. Say 10 as an example.

In this case

Area Total

A 100

B 90

C 9

D 1

E 5

Should become

Area Total

A 100

B 90

Areas below 10 15

At present there are ways around this that involve adding extra tables (Not good when you have a clean star schema). cartesian joining. extremely Complex DAX etc. it feels like something that should be much easier to resolve.

It would be great if Power BI Included something that a user would be able to include easily on the visual. Something like the Not N in the Filters Pane.

this would massively help when we need to include more data protection. Hiding smaller numbers on reports.