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Fix the relative date slicer so it does not reference UTC time, but references Local Machine Time (Or at least the option to choose!)

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Matthew MacDonald on 12 Oct 2022 22:42:21

I am in the timezone + 10 (Brisbane, Australia) and we do not get to use "Relative date filters / slicers" until 10 Am in the morning since PowerBi uses UTC as its reference point for Date Slicers.


1 . In the example below you can see that it is the 13-10-2022, all my date and time is set correctly on my machine to Brisbane Australia and PowerBi is set to follow the local setup.


2. Today is set to be included, the 13th


3. The date ends at yesterday, because its not "Today" in UTC Dates yet.


4. When asking for a list of all available dates - PowerBi again omits the 13th.


The issue arrises when new data comes in, the reports refresh at 6:00 am, but if the report is using relative date filters - wont show up until after 10am.

This is a reference to this post where a photo is available:

The easeist workaround would be to include an option in the "report options -> regional settings" to add X time to relative date slicers - the default being whatever the local machine timezone is.