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freeze column in a table chart

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Jordan Kline on 29 Jan 2015 10:25:15

It'd be great to be able to freeze a left hand column in a table so users can scroll and keep track of what row they're looking at

Comments (96)
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guillermo bermejo on 27 Feb 2023 12:16:11

RE: freeze column in a table chart

How can this still not be available?

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Amar Khaliq on 25 Jan 2023 11:54:11

RE: freeze column in a table chart

Very good idea, I was recently asked to implement this in a report recently but found out that I couldn't, this would be especially useful when freezing the id columns as you could reference back to the id being looked at, or for a certain value and you want to check its id, At my work I am always creating wide tables that have over 50 columns so great idea.

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Abdelqader Almanaseer on 25 Jan 2023 11:39:55

RE: freeze column in a table chart

Any Update here MS ??

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Juan Pablo on 08 Nov 2022 03:39:38

RE: freeze column in a table chart

Please, we have asked for this for a long time and is so basic and useful. You already have much of the work done in the matrix, just move it to the table visual.Thank you.

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Brett Smith on 11 Oct 2022 20:06:14

RE: freeze column in a table chart

Essential (and simple) feature needed. The matrix work around loses too much other functionality to be used all the time

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Leonardo Vitorino Silva on 15 Sep 2022 03:01:24

RE: freeze column in a table chart


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Chuck Roberts on 15 Aug 2022 11:50:40

RE: freeze column in a table chart

I don't want to just freeze column 1 in a table viz, I might want to freeze just column 2, or columns 1-2.

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Ivan P on 12 Aug 2022 06:10:02

RE: freeze column in a table chart

this needs to be implemented by MS

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Karim ABDELOUAHAD on 30 Jun 2022 14:15:21

RE: freeze column in a table chart

Amazing how people are still asking for this option since 2015 and there is no anwser or attention from MS!

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Sanjeep Kc on 21 Jun 2022 15:02:29

RE: freeze column in a table chart

This is a very essential feature that every report creator would probably use for displaying detail.