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freeze column in a table chart

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Jordan Kline on 29 Jan 2015 10:25:15

It'd be great to be able to freeze a left hand column in a table so users can scroll and keep track of what row they're looking at

Comments (96)
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John T on 15 Jun 2022 06:59:49

RE: freeze column in a table chart

yes please do this!!

Jordan Kline's profile image Profile Picture

Alex Valladares on 03 Jun 2022 22:15:56

RE: freeze column in a table chart

Please add this feature ASAP. Thank you!

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Ian Hollingsworth on 31 May 2022 13:26:29

RE: freeze column in a table chart

I could really do with this feature being available in a standard PBI table (not matrix). Thank you :)

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Jamil Ahmed on 28 Apr 2022 13:45:18

RE: freeze column in a table chart

How are all these basic features available in almost all other BI tools and even in MS own Excel (I know not a BI tool) but lacking in Power BI. Please enable this ASAP. Also allow colors in the tabs (pages) like Excel does.

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Geilisa Almodovar on 07 Mar 2022 13:03:48

RE: freeze column in a table chart

Sad to see this is from 2015 and still not added

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Samuele Peano on 11 Feb 2022 10:24:37

RE: freeze column in a table chart


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Amanda Stanley on 28 Jan 2022 15:35:13

RE: freeze column in a table chart

This would be a great feature to add for tables! Adding the ability to freeze more than one column would be even better!

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Thibaud Michel on 02 Nov 2021 12:46:45

RE: freeze column in a table chart

Seems like a basic feature, crazy that we don't have any way of doing this.

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Sam Heath on 22 Oct 2021 18:02:44

RE: freeze column in a table chart

Would be very beneficial to add this ability - freezing multiple columns (rather than just one) would also be very important.

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Roberto Ferrer on 28 Sep 2021 16:22:35

RE: freeze column in a table chart

I can't believe that a basic feature like this needs votes to be implemented by the PowerBI Team. Some comments are from January , 2021. No solutions yet.