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Multiple Y-Axis on a chart

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Rik Opdam on 24 Feb 2015 19:11:35

We would like to have multiple y-axis on a chart, more than 2

Administrator on 18 Oct 2022 00:56:21

Update 10/17: This is now in our upcoming roadmap and we will share more details in the coming months. Mo

Multiple y-axis for Cartesian charts is on our backlog. I don't have a timeline to share, but please keep voting. I'll update the idea once we have more information to share.

Comments (221)
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Jeff on 16 Aug 2020 04:06:50

RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart

Hi Amanda, thank you for the email with all the new features. However I wanted to know if there is a feature or visual that will cover more statistical analysis. If you can either work on or steer me in the direction for a Process Control Chart that contains the following, Control and Spec Limits along with 1,2 3,4,5,6 sigma and CpK, Std. Deviation, Control Limits, Spec Limits, Avg Distribution etc.

I found a thread regarding Process Control Chart Type that would be something that mfg would love to utilize, but it was only a blog and there has been zero progress in over a year. So i was hoping that this is something that you all are working on.

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:06:47

RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart

How can this idea be "under review" for 3 years? Is very poor that this basic feature is not available yet

Rik Opdam's profile image Profile Picture

Trev on 16 Aug 2020 04:06:41

RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart

I would love to see this. I need a dual axes column chart. Seems like a pretty easy thing to implement.

Rik Opdam's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:06:08

RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart

It's not easy to get people and departments in my organization to embrace a transition from excel to powerbi reporting when this basic functionality is missing. I can't even count the amount of shocked reactions I've encountered in the last year when I have to suggest a less than ideal workaround.

Please add this asap, it's been high on the suggestions list for over 3 years!

Rik Opdam's profile image Profile Picture

brandog on 16 Aug 2020 04:06:06

RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart

every one wants a multiple y axis line chart. Please!

Rik Opdam's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:05:51

RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart

I also need it very much. So please add it as soon as possible. It would often save so much space and make things much clearer.

Rik Opdam's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:05:51

RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart

Below are all the community posts asking for the same feature!! Over 20 000 views collectively!!!

Rik Opdam's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:05:45

RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart

Really need this, please.

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Yixiang.Wang on 16 Aug 2020 04:05:38

RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart

when multiple measure are in the chart should automatically adjust the Y axis,for exampale a revenue and a margin on the same chart

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joe phi on 16 Aug 2020 04:05:38

RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart

It took me 5 minutes to produce the '100% stacked column chart' with multiple columns in Excel. (and if I could add it here, I would).
Why is this so complicated to implement in Power BI?