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Power BI


Multiple Y-Axis on a chart

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Rik Opdam's profile image

Rik Opdam on 24 Feb 2015 19:11:35

We would like to have multiple y-axis on a chart, more than 2

Administrator on 18 Oct 2022 00:56:21

Update 10/17: This is now in our upcoming roadmap and we will share more details in the coming months. Mo

Multiple y-axis for Cartesian charts is on our backlog. I don't have a timeline to share, but please keep voting. I'll update the idea once we have more information to share.

Comments (221)
Rik Opdam's profile image Profile Picture

jose on 16 Aug 2020 03:42:03

RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart

yes please, that feature will be very useful