Rik Opdam on 24 Feb 2015 19:11:35
We would like to have multiple y-axis on a chart, more than 2
Administrator on 18 Oct 2022 00:56:21
Update 10/17: This is now in our upcoming roadmap and we will share more details in the coming months. Mo
Multiple y-axis for Cartesian charts is on our backlog. I don't have a timeline to share, but please keep voting. I'll update the idea once we have more information to share.
- Comments (222)
RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart
Please, it`s really needed
RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart
I'm looking for more than two axis in both the line chart. It would be great to have the capability to see 10 curves with 10 unique axes, all as a line.
RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart
Please also for Custerd bar and clustered column charts
From an design perspective lines are only useable when your x axis represents a time series
RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart
Kindly help changing the line graph for the Secondary Y Axis.
RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart
kindly help by adding this feature into your new release. very much required.
RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart
'@Amanda Cofsky kindly help with this enhacement very much required.
RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart
What happened with the feature? https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-bi-desktop-november-feature-summary/#hierarchicalAxis
RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart
Please make this happen soon. I have a shared file that I need to update lots of pivots/charts on for a dashboard, but I can't update them while shared. I thought PBI would be my solution, but not having multiple items on the axis has pretty much flushed that solution.
RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart
Honestly...how can it take 2 years to simply add a secondary axis to a line chart?!
RE: Multiple Y-Axis on a chart
multiple y axis for line graphs please