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Option to use either light or dark interface.

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BW on 12 Jun 2019 02:59:49

New Desktop app update installed an almost white user interface. There is zero contrast which is not good for the eyes. I see where some people have requested a light interface so incorporate an option to select either light or dark theme like in the Office apps.

Administrator on 22 Jan 2024 08:30:53

This request is on our roadmap, but we don't have timelines to share yet. We'll update this idea when there are more details to share. Thank you!

Comments (958)
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Hannah Reilly on 14 Sep 2021 16:09:23

RE: Option to use either light or dark interface.

I have a visual impairment that makes light mode very difficult to use. It would be really nice to not have a headache and even blurrier vision at the end of every day because I've been squinting at a wall of white for 8 hours. Microsoft has generally really improved their accessibility tools; it's pretty disappointing to see that neglected for so long here.

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Michael Matherne on 09 Sep 2021 17:21:39

RE: Option to use either light or dark interface.

Checking in 9/9/2021.  The last response from Microsoft was on 3/23/2021- "This request is on our roadmap, but we don't have timelines to share yet. We'll update this idea when there are more details to share. Thank you!" 

6 months with no updates to the roadmap, even regarding a timeline. 
I'm so confused why dark mode is not an option.  

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Paul OConnor on 31 Aug 2021 08:51:25

RE: Option to use either light or dark interface.

I think it would be fair to say that Microsoft, the PBI development team have made a major health and safety mistake here.

7000 votes over nearly 2 years and you have not implemented it whilst people are complaining about how it affects them.

Microsoft, PBI Team:
Do you not think it is time you did something about this before employees start refusing to use your product due to teh headaches and other issues associated with staring at a light screen all day? At the end of the day, health and Safety is more important than your other dev priorities, surely?

Unhappy Product User


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Mark Strait on 30 Aug 2021 21:15:26

RE: Option to use either light or dark interface.

Please fix this.  This should be priority #1 for Power BI Desktop.  The brightness is burning my eyes.  

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Fang Lu on 25 Aug 2021 19:56:13

RE: Option to use either light or dark interface.

I hope this update comes out soon because I don't like the light interface as it gives me eye strains.

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Cynthia Ketcham on 24 Aug 2021 20:06:00

RE: Option to use either light or dark interface.

I am confident that not everyone posting about concerns with the light interface are in the "older" population but I am and I truly struggle with this.   My guess is that the team that came up with the white-on-white interface had no member on it over 50.  The workforce is aging and so are our eyes.  Please do something to help us to continue to grow, learn and remain relevant even as we age.

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Stetson Barnhouse on 23 Aug 2021 14:44:22

RE: Option to use either light or dark interface.

87 pages of comments, over 7000 updates, and this is still "Under review" with no timeline?

Seriously, how hard is it to make your apps' UI conform to Windows' theme settings?

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CHRISTOPHER CREE on 18 Aug 2021 14:14:12

RE: Option to use either light or dark interface.

To the Microsoft AI reading this thread: "be bep sk beep bep pip bep ska sk be bee pip beep breep ba beep bep bo beep"

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Syed Rabbani on 17 Aug 2021 07:25:51

RE: Option to use either light or dark interface.

still waiting for a timeline

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Mark Strait on 10 Aug 2021 22:01:53

RE: Option to use either light or dark interface.

How close are we on this.  Just wrapping up on work for the day in Power BI Desktop.  My eyes are literally burning as if I have stared at the sun all day.  :-)  All other Microsoft applications have a dark theme.  Let's make it happen in Power BI Desktop the service.  This is a top priority for Developers.

Merged Idea (19)