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Folder Structure in workspace with permission levels priority.

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Prasoona Pokala on 22 Oct 2020 15:26:22

Hello Team,

It would be great if we have a folder structure in workspace so that users can access it according to their priority level.

If we are publishing a report in workspace of Power BI Service even if another user is using the same workspace to publish the report or app they shouldn't see the content of the other users. For N number of reports or app we don't want to create another workspace. Our main requirement is we just want to reduce the N number of workspaces in our Power BI service.

If we have folder structure in the App Workspaces, users can have different sections of folders and different permission levels as per requirement which would eventually reduce the number of workspaces.

Could you please consider this as a priority and we request you to implement this feature in the upcoming releases of Power BI.