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Static look and display specification for each field param used in graph viz

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Alex Blake on 21 Feb 2024 22:38:24

Let's say you have defined a field param table and you assign it to line chart. Every single time you deselect and reselect the same fields, the colors assigned to whatever field happens to be selected will change as you cycle through a random sequence of field selection.

So the idea is to be able, in the Format pane, to assign to each field a static color, and have that field, when selected again, always use this color.

Also, being able to specify for each field whether or not to use a log scale. So, instead of binding the log scale option to the axis, let's bind it to the field.

Finally, when using a bar chart and specifying a conditional coloring scheme for the bars based on a rule that specifies the range of values that decide which color to display, this rule is bound to the graph as a global setting. Instead, it would be nice to be able to specify multiple rules, each bound to their individual data field. In other words, let's say you have 2 fields, F1 and F2. The idea is to be able to define a rule on F1 (R1) and another rule on F2 (R2). This is useful because the conditional thresholds change according to the measurement scale of each field. F1 might be percentages, while F2 might use a scale of integers from -50 to +50. And so on. But with one rule only, whatever field the rule is based on, and thus measurement unit scale of that field, will be used when other fields are displayed as well and that doesn't work if you displaying temperature data together with precipitation data, for ex, or air pressure etc...