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Suggestion for Enhanced Incremental Refresh Management in Power BI and Tabular Editor

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Espen de Lange on 11 Sep 2024 18:43:02

Dear Microsoft Fabric Team,

I would like to suggest an enhancement to the current incremental refresh functionality in Power BI, specifically related to its integration with Tabular Editor.

**Suggestion**: Allow developers to set incremental refresh policies using M expressions in both Power BI project files and Tabular Editor, with the ability to utilize parameters for controlling the number of rows selected during different stages of development.


- **Improved Performance**: Limiting data loads during development improves query performance and speeds up the iteration process.

- **Testing Flexibility**: Dynamically adjusting data volumes using parameters allows for better testing and identification of potential performance issues.

- **Environment Consistency**: Ensuring that both Power BI and Tabular Editor use consistent refresh policies minimizes discrepancies when transitioning between development, testing, and production environments.

- **Scalability**: This approach would provide developers with the flexibility to manage growing datasets more efficiently, without the need for significant rework.

This feature would greatly enhance the development experience in Power BI by offering more control over data management throughout the entire lifecycle of a project.

Thank you for considering this suggestion.

Best regards, 

Espen de Lange and ChatGPT