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Views created using Dataverse File Shortcut in Fabric Lakehouse has to be shown up in the Fabric Lakehouse UI

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Manjunatha MC on 29 May 2024 12:23:23

I have created Views using Dataverse File shortcut in the Fabric Lakehouse.  


I am able to see the Dataverse File shortcuts created by me in the Fabric Workspace Lakehouse UI. I can see columns and data when i query from the notebook Spark SQL abfs path. I created the Views from Dataverse File shortcuts abfs paths using the below queries in the notebook Spark SQL. I can see the data when i query the Views, see the count but not able to see the views created in the Fabric Workspace Lakehouse UI. Please let us know how to see the created Views in Fabric Workspace Lakehouse UI. 


NOTE : I can see the created Views from Dataverse Table shortcuts in Fabric Workspace Lakehouse UI and do not have any issues. 



select * from delta.`abfss-path/Files/Sales`

limit 5




SELECT crdd7_solution, crdd7_workload FROM delta.`abfss-path/Files/Sales`


SELECT crdd7_solution, crdd7_workload FROM delta.`abfss-path/Files/Sales`


select count(*) from VwSales

