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Real-Time Intelligence


Support KQL materialized view reference OneLake shortcut

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Ryoma Nagata on 20 Apr 2024 06:29:25

Currently, materialised views cannot reference external tables.

For data curation, it is important to combine Lakehouse table dimensions (cold data) with KQL tables (hot data).

Support for this feature improves data manageability.

Uri Barash (administrator) on 05 May 2024 07:55:38

One can, already today, use a table shortcut to OneLake (external table) as a dimension table in a materialized view. So if the fact table is in the same Eventhouse/KQL Database, the materialized view can use the data from OneLake to enrich it.  It is recommended to ingest, process and store the fact table that is the source for the materialized view in Eventhouse/KQL database, and as such this is the supported scenario. 

There is work happening to enable continous ingestion (Copy) from OneLake table into an Eventhouse table, but this is work in progess.