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Improve readability of PowerBI error emails

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Mattias De Smet on 17 Apr 2024 09:06:48

When a PowerBI semantic model refresh fails, an email is sent to the owner with the subject "Refresh failed" and an unformatted string of JSON with details.

Problem: This is not a clear actionable email and easily puts you on the wrong track trying to identify the problem.

E.g. Refresh failed:

Sales has failed to refresh.

Failure details: The last refresh attempt failed because of an internal service error. This is usually a transient issue. If you try again later and still see this message, contact support.

"error":"code":"DM_GWPipeline_Gateway_MashupDataAccessError","pbi.error":"code":"DM_GWPipeline_Gateway_MashupDataAccessError","parameters":,"details":"code":"DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingErrorCode","detail":"type":1,"value":"-2147467259","code":"DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingErrorMessage","detail":"type":1,"value":" ccon Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation.,"code":"DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingHResult","detail":"type":1,"value":"-2147467259","code":"Microsoft.Data.Mashup.HostingError.Reason","detail":"type":1,"value":"Timeout","exceptionCulprit":1Table: Invoice Line.

As you can see on the variety of colours used all the different clues there are, but they don't help. As a user I can see:

  • ok , the dataset refresh failed, due to an internal service error... probably nothing I can do about, but let's dig deeper
  • dataaccesserror, value -2147467259... where can I find this value? Do I recognize it from data in my data model?
  • oh, underlying error, weird looking ccon tags, probably to difficult for me to understand. Something about timeout elapsed, but what timeout, where, what was happening?
  • at the very end, the most important hint, which is so easily overlooked "Table Invoice Line", ok this is where something went wrong


It would be more clear if either:

1/ the JSON was formatted, so the structure of the error message becomes more "interpretable". (JSON below is redacted for the submittion to work)

Failure details: The last refresh attempt failed because of an internal service error. This is usually a transient issue. If you try again later and still see this message, contact support. 

Table: Invoice Line.




"code": "DM_GWPipeline_Gateway_MashupDataAccessError",


"details": :








"value":"Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation."


2/ the JSON was rendered as a clear error message (with a "see details" for the geek that wants to see the actual JSON result) in a format like:

Semantic Model "Sales Process" refresh failed:

Table "Invoice Line" failed with error:

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation. (Code: -2147467259 -

Nice-to-have: It would be even more helpful if (for admins) the value of the timeout period is shown and the statement of the operation can be shown, to allow faster troubleshooting, but I can understand this can expose internal logic and pose a risk.