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Power BI

Under Review

Overlapping between Power BI designer and Excel are confusing

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Power BI Ideas Admin on 07 Jan 2015 17:34:03


At the time of this Preview, MSFT is marketing the new Power BI report designer as a tool for those who don't have Excel 2013.

However upon using the designer it is quite evident that it has features that Excel 2013 does not have, such as the ability to have many-to-many relationships without DAX coding and additional chart types (e.g. trees).

Plus the Power BI file extension denotes that this seems to be a completely different report format from what we can do in Excel (xlsx files and embedded Power View rdlx). I am wondering if MSFT plans to reconcile those new features in Excel, as well as to push some of the Power BI / SharePoint online features back to on-premise.

Please do not neglect those of us with on-prem deployments.

Administrator on 24 Jan 2015 06:29:40

Hi Pedro. The Designer will often have features in advance of Excel as it can be updated more frequently. However, we do want to push as much as possible into Excel in the future. To your point about on-premises deployments, there's another suggestion to support that here: so please add your support there!