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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Edit Interactions pane

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K Power BI User on 28 Jan 2022 14:58:09

Create an "Edit Interactions" or "Interactions" pane, similar to the Selections or Bookmarks pane for more quickly modifying the interactions of all the visuals on a page when another visual is selected. Would allow for edit interactions without having to shift, resize, or move any visuals to access the edit interactions icon.

Currently, it is very time consuming when I want to specifically control how one visual is allowed to interact with all other visuals on a page. I have a report that has over 20 visuals, tiny Pie Charts, numerous Cards, and Tree Maps.

I need the ability to have limited interactions. In other words, when I click on a particular Tree Map, I only want specific visuals to interact with.

Today, I would have to select each Tree Map, and one-by-one, select all the other visuals to adjust their interactions. Some of these visuals are already layered, or too small for the edit interactions logo to show up. It is taking me hours to make one simple change.

With an Interactions pane, when I click on my Tree Map visual (or any other), the pane would allow me to quickly see all the other visuals and their interactions without having to adjust or change my report. I would quickly be able to alter all the interactions in one place. And it would also allow for a quicker way of disabling all interactions for a visual, at the top of the pane we could have icons to disable all or change all to highlighting, etc.

Thank you.