Power BI should have a Lite License for people that only consume dashboards or reports every now and then. This is for people that don't create reports but need to see the dashboards and may need to use the "report level" to be able to export output to PowerPoint (since you can't export the dashboard to PowerPoint but can only do it at Report level).
Administrator on 22 Oct 2017 01:35:52
With the introduction of Power BI Premium earlier this year, there are now two licensing options for Power BI: Power BI Pro and Power BI Premium. This provides the flexibility to select the model that best meets the needs of individual users and entire organizations – whether that’s equipping users with access to self-service BI, broadening the reach of BI content for users occasionally viewing dashboards and reports, or elevating storage sizes, increasing refresh rates and introducing other performance capabilities based on workload requirements. The right choice, Pro or Premium, depends on your particular situation. We've been listening to your questions on UserVoice, the community, and other forums about what option to choose, and have developed a FAQ on our blog that answers the most common questions. Check it out at https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-bi-pro-power-bi-premium-flexibility-to-choose-the-licensing-best-for-you-and-your-organization/.
- Comments (139)
RE: Power BI Lite License
Hi Anonymous, you have missed the point of this idea. No one disagrees that a decision maker should pay a fair amount. The issue is low involvement readers of data as I outlined in this article here
RE: Power BI Lite License
If I could vote against this I would. The licensing model is clean and succinct - no need to sully it up with a bunch of different levels. If your company thinks $10/mo/user is too much to spend on someone who is reading reports (and is presumably a decision-maker) then I strongly suggest polishing up your resume and going to work at a company that values analytics.
RE: Power BI Lite License
I am willing to get the Power BI Pro license, but I need to be able to post the dashboards I create in my organization's SharePoint. All they need is a way to view and interact with the dashboard. Not having this capability is delaying my decision to work with Power BI. When is Microsoft going to develop a Power BI viewer for non Power BI end users?
RE: Power BI Lite License
Dear Microsoft,
Please don't waste this product and kill the current enthusiasm and a truly magnificent uptake. Re-think your pricing model and keep the momentum moving.
RE: Power BI Lite License
Got lucky my company is getting Pro licenses, but they are limited number. So now I have to double my work - created Power Bi reports for people with pro licences, and Create Excel reports for people without... I really find it counter productive and stupid...Sticking to excel for now, until whole license mess is resolved...
RE: Power BI Lite License
When will we finally have any information about this?
RE: Power BI Lite License
This is indeed a major issue with Power BI.
Tableau is much more expensive for a single developer, but the reader is free. Microsoft really needs something similar so that I don't have to get a license for everyone who *might* occasionally view a report.
RE: Power BI Lite License
I started using PowerBi just now and the tool itself is great. Unfortunately it's useless for us to really use, since our employee base is on E3 licencing and i can never triple that investment just for people to be able to view some simple graphs. Back to sending excel attachments for now..
RE: Power BI Lite License
This is a must. The latest pricing scenario is "All or nothing"!!
On-Premise customers with SQL Server Standard Edition should have a medium sized licensing model for using PBI reports on-premises such as limited number of consumers... etc.
RE: Power BI Lite License
Absolutely must have.
Wondering if there has been any response/feedback from MS BI team on this request/suggestion about pricing?