Power BI should have a Lite License for people that only consume dashboards or reports every now and then. This is for people that don't create reports but need to see the dashboards and may need to use the "report level" to be able to export output to PowerPoint (since you can't export the dashboard to PowerPoint but can only do it at Report level).
Administrator on 22 Oct 2017 01:35:52
With the introduction of Power BI Premium earlier this year, there are now two licensing options for Power BI: Power BI Pro and Power BI Premium. This provides the flexibility to select the model that best meets the needs of individual users and entire organizations – whether that’s equipping users with access to self-service BI, broadening the reach of BI content for users occasionally viewing dashboards and reports, or elevating storage sizes, increasing refresh rates and introducing other performance capabilities based on workload requirements. The right choice, Pro or Premium, depends on your particular situation. We've been listening to your questions on UserVoice, the community, and other forums about what option to choose, and have developed a FAQ on our blog that answers the most common questions. Check it out at https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-bi-pro-power-bi-premium-flexibility-to-choose-the-licensing-best-for-you-and-your-organization/.
- Comments (139)
RE: Power BI Lite License
I completely agree with this proposal. I cannot see any justification for requiring 'viewers' of a PowerBI report / Dashboard to pay. Its as if you would ask a person viewing a finished Photoshop JPG to pay for a full Photoshop license merely to view the finished image.
Come on Mircosoft, you'll get much more adoption and a stronger user base by changing this subscription model.
RE: Power BI Lite License
This is becoming more and more important. We now have several clients that are desperate to push Power BI out to their organisations but can't justify the cost of a Premium node, or of buying a few hundred Pro licences for people who will only view the reports or dashboards.
Obviously it's frustrating for the companies themselves, but Microsoft is losing money here. Our clients currently have a few Pro licences for evaluating Power BI and love it. However they are holding off buying more licences as they believe that to roll it out fully is too expensive. They are also looking at other non-Microsoft options as a result.
This really does need to be addressed as soon as possible.
RE: Power BI Lite License
This is definitely needed - there should be a distinction between 'creators' and 'consumers' of information.
Currently, a user who spends all day creating content needs the same license as a user looking at a dashboard once per day.
Addressing this imbalance will certainly see a greater uptake of consumers in the organisation (and free up the pricier licenses to allow more Creators)
RE: Power BI Lite License
At $42 now for Tableau (https://www.tableau.com/pricing), PBI could be a no-go for many - just on cost.
RE: Power BI Lite License
PowerBI Pro Reader License with RLS and workspace
RE: Power BI Lite License
I totally agree. The EM tiers here are a good step in this direction, however not enough for companies (clients of mine) that have say 100-400 active users (consumers). There should be a tier positioned below the P1, that instead of targeting 500+ user companies is aimed at the 250-300 user mark.
RE: Power BI Lite License
It should be a free PowerBi Reader the same as Tableau as that's what this product is competing against. My organisation is currently reviewing this vs Tableau and the main cons that keep coming up are the licensing model for what we need and an offline reader.
RE: Power BI Lite License
I'd suggest the solution here is a cloud based Premium Lite offered to >1000 user organisations, that can be scaled up to full premium with growth. If you have it hosted and priced below the premium cost point, it can offer PBI as a full SAAS solution, thus making it more attractive to SME's than just PBI Lite (no local overheads etc.).
RE: Power BI Lite License
Suggest this is merged with the Power BI Lite idea thread and add these votes to that. Seems to be the #1 demand right now.
RE: Power BI Lite License
For small companies that have less than 555 reporting users the premium pricing model is not really affordable. It doesn't make sense to have report consumers pay a lot for just rendering the reports. The premium model makes a lot of sense for companies with over 1000 users. As a partner / re-seller who built a BI app that integrates with our solutions, we have clients that have 100 report consumers and up to 1000 report users. Power BI licenses can get expensive.