Power BI
Needs VotesCapacity Metrics: Ability to distinguish between dataset CPU usage for queries and refreshes.
Chris Olivier on 02 Sep 2020 08:46:41
The SystemMetrics.DataSetsCPUConsumption value only provides the total CPU consumption of datasets per time interval. This total has, I suspect, a number of components, per dataset, that contribute to this total. At minimum I suspect it includes CPU usage for executing queries as well as CPU usage for performing refreshes. Metrics should be provided for these and other items that contribute to the total CPU usage for datasets.
Motivation: I'm helping a client manage their premium capacity. From analyzing the Capacity Metrics data we can identify which reports are using a lot of CPU due to inefficient queries. From looking at the data from the QueryMetrics table (averageCPUTime * totalCount) and SystemMetrics.DataSetsCPUConsumption, it seems there is a lot of CPU capacity being used in the "datasets" category that cannot be accounted for by only looking at the query metrics. We need to understand what is using CPU so we can manage out capacity better.