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Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part

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on 31 Oct 2017 07:07:13

The Power BI Web Part (embed in sharepoint online) works well for me, but I want to adjust the frame size.

I have a report that is wider and longer than the web part frame so I have double vertical and horizontal scrollbars. The only options for frame size are '16:9' or '4:3'.

The frame size should default to the report size (or allow input of height and width of the iframe in px)

Comments (103)
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Tom on 05 Jul 2020 23:51:47

RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part

This would dramatically improve the PBI embedding feature and is really needed to fully utilise the screen space we are allowed to customise!

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Mark on 05 Jul 2020 23:51:10

RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part

Really need this

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Martin Bragg on 05 Jul 2020 23:50:35

RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part

It would be great to allow the adjustment of the white space (page) around an embedded report in PowerBI

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Ameet on 05 Jul 2020 23:50:13

RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part

Absolutely need it!

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Ben on 05 Jul 2020 23:50:00

RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part

We need this

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:49:07

RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part

Soooo.... Is this ever going to get fixed?

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:48:03

RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part

I vote for an adjustable webpart frame for SharePoint

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Sarah on 05 Jul 2020 23:47:04

RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part

without this feature, any report text is tiny! Defeats the point of having this app at all.

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Kosha on 05 Jul 2020 23:45:31

RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part

Please make this a possibility

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Walter Remski on 05 Jul 2020 23:45:31

RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part

This should be very, very, VERY easy to implement.