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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Need feature to add different properties for the values in the same field

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Pavan Malavathu on 17 Jul 2020 11:30:43

Currently we see that the
Allow to pin a selected range in an Excel sheet to a Power BI dashboard is depricated

As an alternative to functionality 2, user can either Pin a tile to a Power BI dashboard from Excel or capture a selected range in an Excel sheet, using any clipping tool -> open the target dashboard in Power -> click ‘Add tile’ -> chose ‘image option’ -> upload the captured image.

Could you provide us any alternative other than this in the future.

Also when we are unable to chose the different properties for the fileds like percentages,decimals, currency where as we can do in Excel. Looking forward for this feature in the near future so that we can create the reports in the Power BI Desktop.