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Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

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Jacek Power BI User on 03 Mar 2015 07:53:52

Allow a user to set the default value for a slicer or tile-by value on a page/dashboard, so that when the Power View page is opened for the first time, the default value is selected.
eg. If the page has a slicer for Year or Month, allow the user to configure the most recent Year or Month to be selected by default.

Administrator on 20 Oct 2022 22:52:37

Update 10/20/2022 - Update from Mo - we are working on this in the new year

Thanks for everyone's votes and comments. This is a feature on our backlog; however we cannot share a timeline at the moment.

It looks like many of the requests will be addressed by the new 'Sticky filters' capability. Now when you log out of Power BI and come back to a report, the same items will be selected as when you left. For those who're looking to have a 'last month' selection, the relative date slicer might help. Those with comments about currencies where having multiple selected makes the report meaningless - the report will load with whatever selection the author saved, so if you save it with one currency selected your users will see that by default. If there are scenarios that these features don't address, please let us know in your comments - if you are really specific it'll help us build the feature to work just the way you want! Thanks again!

Comments (527)
Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Mike Rottmann on 05 Jul 2020 22:49:53

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

The slicer should be able to set the default value. For example, I have a list of all companies and a slicer on the active (yes/no) column. It would be nice to default to Yes so that active companies appear and have the option to display all or non active companies

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Muhammad Shahzad on 05 Jul 2020 22:49:50

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Slicer should have ability to select Default date and value of the default date can be assigned any custom date or Today, yesterday or tomorrow or any combination, i have been working in Pentaho for 2 years now and they have a solid date range control, which is amazing, Slicer should have straight fwd options like:
1. Today
2. Yesterday
3. Last week
4. Current week
5. Last Month
6. Current Month
7. Last Year
8. Current Year
9.Year to date
10. Specific date
11. Date Between

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Earl Glynn on 05 Jul 2020 22:49:22

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Does anyone from Microsoft look at these pages? This was first requested in 2015. How long must we wait?

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Tony on 05 Jul 2020 22:49:12

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Need it. Example would be a date parameter set to MAX as day over day that will change.

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Dru on 05 Jul 2020 22:49:05

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

A must!

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Karol on 05 Jul 2020 22:48:42

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Also slicer with option to require to have selection, so it cannot be blank, something must be selected.

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Ronda S. on 05 Jul 2020 22:48:34

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

please please!!

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Ross G on 05 Jul 2020 22:48:12

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Please add this feature

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Andres Zea on 05 Jul 2020 22:48:12

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Please, I need this feature

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:48:04

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

I have 2 slicers. Based on one slicer, the seconder slicer would be filtered and second slicer is single select. Now i need to default item as first item as selected in the second slicer. Is it possible ?

Merged Idea (15)