Jacek Power BI User on 03 Mar 2015 07:53:52
Allow a user to set the default value for a slicer or tile-by value on a page/dashboard, so that when the Power View page is opened for the first time, the default value is selected.
eg. If the page has a slicer for Year or Month, allow the user to configure the most recent Year or Month to be selected by default.
Administrator on 20 Oct 2022 22:52:37
Update 10/20/2022 - Update from Mo - we are working on this in the new year
Thanks for everyone's votes and comments. This is a feature on our backlog; however we cannot share a timeline at the moment.
It looks like many of the requests will be addressed by the new 'Sticky filters' capability. Now when you log out of Power BI and come back to a report, the same items will be selected as when you left. For those who're looking to have a 'last month' selection, the relative date slicer might help. Those with comments about currencies where having multiple selected makes the report meaningless - the report will load with whatever selection the author saved, so if you save it with one currency selected your users will see that by default. If there are scenarios that these features don't address, please let us know in your comments - if you are really specific it'll help us build the feature to work just the way you want! Thanks again!
- Comments (532)
- Merged Idea (15)
RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration
Yes please
RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration
We are still waiting ( from 2019 !!! ) for this indispensable option !!
RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration
Is there any update from Microsoft on when this will be implemented? I want to have a "between" date slice default to the prior 13 months (inclusive of the current month). But then I want the user to be able to change it if they would like, so a page level filter will not work.For example, if today is 4/16/22, I would like the slicer to show:From: 4/1/2021 To: 4/30/2022Is there anyway to control the dates by default planned (besides the relative slicer, which also doesn't accomplish this in any event)? Thank you!
RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration
This is a very basic requirement as far as I am concerned. I would love to be able to set a slicer default based on the identity of the user. For example, if we have a region slicer, I would like the slicer to default to the home region of the user. We have a way to identify the user and their home region but no way to use that to set the slicer default. Unless I am missing something.
RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration
I can't believe this feature is still not available. This is one of the first requirements from the business!
RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration
It would also be good to have this default selection available for calculation group items.I have a use case where we have energy customers with gas and power profiles where volumes are measured in kWh in both cases, or MW for power and Tpd (Therms per day) for gas. We have slicers for both the profile type and volume unit (both single select only).The 3 different volume units are in a calculation group and we would like kWh to be the default, so when a customer toggles between Power and Gas in the profile type slicer, the calculation group slicer always reverts the selection to kWh.Currently if a user has Gas and Tpd selected, for instance, and then toggles to power, the volume unit stays as Tpd despite the fact power cannot be measured in Tpd. The user has to remember to then also toggle the volume unit. This can be confusing for new users and can't think of any other workaround, so please may you consider this when developing this feature.
RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration
In date slicer we should be able to set a default date dynamically, e.g today, yesterday
RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration
How can PBI not have default slicer value attribute. All too often we need to set reports to current month/year. Why is an issue and not available?
RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration
So much productivity is lost working around this issue. I do not see how sticky filters will do much to address this issue. If it is to default to the most recent date, e.g., Today or between the oldest date to the most recent date, how will sticky filters help this? The work around to create a calculated column with Today for the current date and the formatted date for all other dates and use this calculated column in the slicer works for defaulting a dropdown/list slicer (other than having to add a card visual to show what Today is)...at least it works in the report. Try exporting "Data with current layout". The filter information at the bottom of the report indicates, "Applied filters:As of Date is 'Today'". Not very helpful when referring to the spreadsheet in the future.The calculated column workaround does not work when using a between slicer when you want to default it to the oldest to the most recent date. If someone has a workaround for this, I would love to hear about it.
RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration
This should have been out of the box... This feature was amazing in SSRS, why didn't they bring it to PBI is mind boggling...