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Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

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Jacek Power BI User's profile image

Jacek Power BI User on 03 Mar 2015 07:53:52

Allow a user to set the default value for a slicer or tile-by value on a page/dashboard, so that when the Power View page is opened for the first time, the default value is selected.
eg. If the page has a slicer for Year or Month, allow the user to configure the most recent Year or Month to be selected by default.

Administrator on 20 Oct 2022 22:52:37

Update 10/20/2022 - Update from Mo - we are working on this in the new year

Thanks for everyone's votes and comments. This is a feature on our backlog; however we cannot share a timeline at the moment.

It looks like many of the requests will be addressed by the new 'Sticky filters' capability. Now when you log out of Power BI and come back to a report, the same items will be selected as when you left. For those who're looking to have a 'last month' selection, the relative date slicer might help. Those with comments about currencies where having multiple selected makes the report meaningless - the report will load with whatever selection the author saved, so if you save it with one currency selected your users will see that by default. If there are scenarios that these features don't address, please let us know in your comments - if you are really specific it'll help us build the feature to work just the way you want! Thanks again!

Comments (535)
Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Matt Callahan on 16 Oct 2023 20:52:31

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Is there any update that can be shared? The Oct 20, 2022 Administrator message said it would be worked on the coming year (2023).

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Walter Adams on 18 Sep 2023 07:01:50

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Slicers are so inconsistent, they are easily my least favorite part of Power BI. For instance, if a slicer exists on page with a value 1 selected AND on the same dimension one would add a filter with a value 2 (either through the Filter functionality or pushed through the URL when embedding the page in HTML), the slicer will still show the value 1 selected but will also show the value 2 (set through the filter) but visually unselected.In reality, both values are selected at this time because doing a SELECTEDVALUE() on the dimension returns nothing meaning both are selected.What kind of mixed message does this give to the user seeing this as well as end up with wrong data (due to both values being selected).Slicers urgently need to be overhauled to provide some consistency. This includes the ability to set a default value but also when done, it should UNSELECT the previously set value (which today it does not).Thanks

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Matt Finlay on 01 Sep 2023 10:02:34

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Please ensure this functionality allows a fully dynamic start/end date selection.For example, in my organisation we have reports that want default dates to be:last complete Mon - Sun weeklast complete Sat - Fri weeklast complete monthyear to yesterday (01/04 start)year to last month end (01/04 start)rolling 28 days to yesterdaybut (crucially) still allow uses to select any date range outside of these (and still limited by the dates in the data).This issue is our single biggest frustration with Power BI. We could do this 15 years ago in Oracle BI by setting the start date and end date to parameters (usually populated from a database query).

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Laurence S on 17 Aug 2023 16:29:08

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

I believe if you look through all the comments, including ones that have not been merged to this thread, this would become the single most consistently requested feature. In all reports today, the slicers are out of date because there is no way to dynamically update them.

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Nicholas Hilton on 14 Aug 2023 12:14:06

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

I make a lot of reports that require the latest month to be selected where the relative slicer isn't appropriate. Just bumping this and adding to the comments

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Thomas Powers on 09 Aug 2023 17:31:20

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Will this idea address being able to change or switch Slicer Selection based on another Slicer Selection? a user creates a parameter table with a slicer that lets them slice between multiple measures to change a visual. If a user creates a second slicer from another column to filter those measures -- in the example above -- between different unit conversions, the previous selection stays the same, and the visual goes blank if the user selects the second slicer. It would be great if the user could select the second slicer, and the visual and previous selection update accordingly.

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Mark Endicott on 08 Aug 2023 14:46:12

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Just get date slicers to automatically update to today's date, it's frustrating when a user opens a report after months away and they don't see up to date data by default.

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

on 03 Aug 2023 04:54:53

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Yes- This feature will help when we have slicer of weekending dates and user want default current weekending date when he open the report. I have been looking for this feature everywhere to implement in my report and it is real requirement for ne now and I am new to Power BI. It is good to connect here and share our ideas.

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

on 31 Jul 2023 21:06:40

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Suppose I have a year slicer in a power bi report and I want to show default value is current year that time it is helpfulBy default selection in current year shows all business of the current year

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Anonymous user on 31 Jul 2023 16:41:25

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Especially for publish-to-web reports which are updated every day, it would be very helpful if the date slicer would dynamically include today.

Merged Idea (15)