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Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

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Jacek Power BI User's profile image

Jacek Power BI User on 03 Mar 2015 07:53:52

Allow a user to set the default value for a slicer or tile-by value on a page/dashboard, so that when the Power View page is opened for the first time, the default value is selected.
eg. If the page has a slicer for Year or Month, allow the user to configure the most recent Year or Month to be selected by default.

Administrator on 20 Oct 2022 22:52:37

Update 10/20/2022 - Update from Mo - we are working on this in the new year

Thanks for everyone's votes and comments. This is a feature on our backlog; however we cannot share a timeline at the moment.

It looks like many of the requests will be addressed by the new 'Sticky filters' capability. Now when you log out of Power BI and come back to a report, the same items will be selected as when you left. For those who're looking to have a 'last month' selection, the relative date slicer might help. Those with comments about currencies where having multiple selected makes the report meaningless - the report will load with whatever selection the author saved, so if you save it with one currency selected your users will see that by default. If there are scenarios that these features don't address, please let us know in your comments - if you are really specific it'll help us build the feature to work just the way you want! Thanks again!

Comments (535)
Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:19:49

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Very much agree! Allowing all date slicers (all slicers really) to have dynamic default dates would be wonderful. Ideally do something where we can just enter some DAX and let it evaluate then we could display things like MAX values of Shipped Orders to always default a slicer to the most recent order shipment date. A relative start/stop date so we can have BETWEEN date filters, but be able to set them using relative terms (the relative slicer is great but you can NOT change the date picker calendar so you can never change from last 6 months to pick your own start/stop dates)

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Aparna Chandrasekar on 05 Jul 2020 23:19:20

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

This is a very useful feature. Please Add.

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:18:41

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

I just had to explain to my client that using Power BI they cannot create a report with a date calendar slicer (parameter) that defaults to that last day the data was updated. One of the simplest thing a report should be able to do: dynamically setting the default value of a parameter\slicer. SSRS did this so well. I really wish Microsoft had enhanced SSRS instead of creating a new product that just looks nice but is missing so many basic features.

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Jim Richards on 05 Jul 2020 23:18:28

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

I have a date slicer. I would like the report to default to the first date in the list (I'm always looking at data from today forward). Any old date will not have data associated as it is prospective view. The sticky slicer value is useless in this scenario.

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

CAHUEP on 05 Jul 2020 23:18:26

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Please add this feature. It is very useful if you are using Power Bi to create a live connection to data that is changing constantly. If we truly want Power Bi to be used as a dashboard system this is a must, it will allow the end-user to monitor the latest trend in their Data Warehouse, otherwise, Power Bi is just any old reporting system.

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:18:23

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

This is really important basic functionality that should be available. I would say SSRS has got this right and Power BI is not there yet with this. It seems crazy not to have the option to dynamically select a default date without having to use the relative filter (which then loses the functionality of choosing any date range easily).

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Greg on 05 Jul 2020 23:17:41

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

To me, slicers are visually cooler method for users to filter the data than plain old regular filters. Since we'd rather offer slicers to users, I wish we could embed a power bi report on our web page where we can initialize (default) the slicer(s) selections to what user wants. Thanks.

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Roli Kreis on 05 Jul 2020 23:16:26

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

mandatory selection (On/Off): Minimally one item must be selected

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Sukhomoy Bhattacharya on 05 Jul 2020 23:14:51

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

Conceptually, "Select All" means there will be no filter. On other hand, Select All = Off suppose to be at least one filter.
According to Power BI, Select All = on means one more item name "Select all " will appear in slicer list, I believe is actually not require, as if you don't select any option in Slicer list means there is no filter.
On other side, if I choose option Select All = Off then there should be another option Default Value. Where I can select a default Value for that context.

Jacek Power BI User's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI Ideas Admin on 05 Jul 2020 23:14:25

RE: Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration

It should be possible to have a slicer with dates to select, but that, while always displaying a relative list of dates (say the last 30 days), it should default to the "current date", as flagged by a different field in the table/dimension.

The relative list of days works fine with the relative date slicer option, however the default selected value does not seem possible to set at present.

Merged Idea (15)