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Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

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on 18 May 2017 19:35:34

This is a repost of my idea that was closed as completed, but the 'relative date slicer doesn't allow any of the described request hence my idea is not implemented....

The new date slicer is awesome, but it would be so nice if you could set a dynamic date selection instead of a static. With a static filter the user will always have to set the dates before the saved report makes sense - especially as the report gets older.

Dynamic options could be
YTD, QTD, MTD, WTD, Today, This Year, This Quarter, This Month, This Week and so on.

original idea:

Administrator on 16 Jun 2017 23:57:11

The relative date slicer (a Preview feature as of June '17) gets us close to this with the 'This Month' or 'This Year' settings. That is a dynamic date selection that updates based on the current system date. We plan to add a 'YTD'/'MTD' option to specifically select a range from the start of the month/year up to today, hopefully that'll address the remaining requirements!

Comments (116)
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Paul Chapman on 05 Jul 2020 23:18:57

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

I'd love the relative date filter to allow me to specify Is Before Today Minus 60 days. Or even "Is NOT This Month"

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Rebecca H on 05 Jul 2020 23:18:26

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Completely agree the dynamic Date filtering needs improving. Its so close to what we need yet so far!

Enabling the AND & OR option in"Relative Date filtering" like there is for 'Advanced Filtering' would be another way to provide more flexibility to help achieve more dynamic filtering options.

E.g. in "The last 6 Calendar Months" AND in "This Calendar Month".
"In the last 2 months" AND "In this month" AND "In the next 2 Months"

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Paula on 05 Jul 2020 23:17:17

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Having two different date slicers in one report is a bad idea.

So. Could it be possible to add the possibility to choose date range manually in dynamic date slicer? Dynamic date slicer is good for keeping the report "refreshed", but sometimes we want to explore the data with specific date range.

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Wildmight on 05 Jul 2020 23:16:25

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Good morning, May I suggest bringing out the anchor date functionality to the filter of the visual? Instead of visualizations - where it's only available for advanced user. Or making it so that a variable can be used to set the anchor date - which would also be ideal.
Thank you! Great job!

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:14:47

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

I haven't read all the comments so this may have been discussed, but I have also really appreciated the relative date option.

I would however love an enhancement, which should be simple, to allow the negative of the statement as well.

Not in the xxxx.

I.e. I want to exclude all new products in my analysis. So not with a date first sold in the last 3 months.

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Kristi Cantor on 05 Jul 2020 23:13:21

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

On the Before option can we have Before "Today" and maybe make the slicer stackable? For example date is between 01/01/2018 and "Today" or This year before "today".

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James on 05 Jul 2020 23:12:43

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Could we please have an additional option for This/Next/Last Quarter?

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Curtis Ramirez on 05 Jul 2020 23:12:26

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Filtering by Quarter is definitely needed feature. If we could also include the ability to exclude relative dates that would be great.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:12:09

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Can you please include an option to indicate the start day of weeks as well? Currently in the slicer, the weeks are always starting on Sundays. But according to the ISO standard, weeks start on Mondays.

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Ivan Bondarenko on 05 Jul 2020 23:11:32

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

New slicer is awesome, it handles many scenarios, but not everything, unfortunately.
When it is saved in "relative" mode (preferable for us), user can't change it back to "between", so cannot select "3 months ago", "2 years ago" etc. I don't think it is possible to cover all required "relative periods", so would be great to give users an option to switch it back to "between" mode.