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Expand Formatting Options for Matrix Visual

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Margaux Van Peteghem on 09 Mar 2021 13:40:55

The formatting options for Matrices are very limited at the moment. We are missing key features including:

1) Matrix Values. In the Field Formatting, we should be able to format the Background and Font colors for the field Header, Values, Subtotals & Totals independently of each other. Currently, you can only select one color, and have to enable the same color for either of the options. Conditional formatting "fx" options would also be great here. There are creative workarounds with using conditional formatting to alter the Values/Subtotals colors independently of the field Header color, but we shouldn't have to rely on this for something that should be a basic feature.

2) Column Headers. Currently you can only select one Background/Font Color for the Column headers. We should be able to select different colors for each Hierarchy level in the Column field, and we should have "fx" conditional formatting options too

3) Grand Total Column should be visible at all times (much like the Rows Grand Total), regardless of the scroll position, or we should have the option to switch this on. Currently, you have to scroll all the way to the right to see your Column Grand Total which is unfeasible for the end user.

4) Allow multiple row headers (in separate columns) without forcing a Hierarchy. End users often want more detail on the row within the same hierarchy level. I know this is technically possible by disabling the "Stepped Layout", but currently this makes you lose your Rows Grand Total, and also drilldown on Rows is enabled regardless, and does not make sense in this scenario

5) Drill-on dropdown - allow us to set a default value for the dropdown to either Rows or Columns (currently rows by default)

6) Ability to sort the matrix by the lowest level of the hierarchy in the column headers, rather than just Total columns. For example, if I have months in the column headers, I should be able to sort the matrix Values for each month, by clicking on the desired month, and not be restricted to the Total for the months. Really a critical feature

7) Export the matrix data to excel in the same format, not in tabular format. Yes, we can easily pivot the data in excel, but end-users are often unable to do this.