- Comments (74)
RE: KPI Customization (Font Size)
Still waiting improve visual KPI.....
RE: KPI Customization (Font Size)
This is making creation of a KPI summary page very awkward in not being able to adjust the font size. Please sort!
RE: KPI Customization (Font Size)
RE: KPI Customization (Font Size)
Please add this ability :)
RE: KPI Customization (Font Size)
Ok power bi team....looks like you guys never used KPI before, this is ridiculous. I know they are important, but to not be able to change a font is crazy.
RE: KPI Customization (Font Size)
This is needed, Power BI team!! Please fix this. It is a ridiculous oversight on the developers part.
RE: KPI Customization (Font Size)
Hurry up!!! Please!!!
RE: KPI Customization (Font Size)
This is needed badly. We have 2 projects suffering because we’ve had to use one of the custom KPI visuals
RE: KPI Customization (Font Size)
Please please update the KPI card, it's a great card but given the default goal and distance font is white and tiny, makes it unusable!
RE: KPI Customization (Font Size)
Can't believe this hasn't been fixed in the last two years. Should be a quite easy fix.