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Under Review

Page (Tab) level Security.

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Piyush Dhameja on 14 Sep 2016 13:09:18

Add security to show/hide any specific page (Tab) on a report based on users privileges / Roles.

Administrator on 18 Apr 2024 09:59:22

Thanks for all the feedback! Currently, Power BI does not have a security feature for pages; however, using conditional page navigation and RLS, you can create a custom navigation experience that shows different page options for different roles.

Comments (609)
Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Rahul J on 18 Jul 2020 13:34:19

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

This will be a great feature to selectively hide/display pages based on roles which can cater to different audiences. I am forced to create different reports to cater to different user base and duplicating the dataset. Please include this in the next release. Thanks.

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Kyle on 10 Jul 2020 17:22:59

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

This function is a needed feature! This would reduce the need for multiple files to visual the same data for different roles

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Abinash P on 10 Jul 2020 17:22:58

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Needed feature!

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

RY on 10 Jul 2020 17:22:36

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

This is a great suggestion. Like others, I am having to split the file into multiple files referring to the same dataset to control access via sharing. I am not a particularly experienced Power BI developer and when I started looking into the user access control I found it complicated and quickly gave up.

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Ankit Jhamb on 10 Jul 2020 17:22:31

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Must have functionality for external partner reports to restrict who should see what

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Christoph on 10 Jul 2020 17:22:10

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

This great idea already exists here with some more votes:

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Chris Meier on 10 Jul 2020 17:22:10

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Page level security is really necessary at least for published applications!!

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 10 Jul 2020 17:21:50

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

needed badly. without it, we have to create multiple datasets that all draw the same data, just to display on 2 different pages in the report.

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 10 Jul 2020 17:21:49

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Currently we have to use alternative solutions to do this whihc all cause extra maintenance work are otherwise unoptimal

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Ratnam Power BI User on 10 Jul 2020 17:21:08

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

This feature is must have in Power BI.

Merged Idea (8)