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Power BI

Under Review

Page (Tab) level Security.

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Piyush Dhameja on 14 Sep 2016 13:09:18

Add security to show/hide any specific page (Tab) on a report based on users privileges / Roles.

Administrator on 18 Apr 2024 09:59:22

Thanks for all the feedback! Currently, Power BI does not have a security feature for pages; however, using conditional page navigation and RLS, you can create a custom navigation experience that shows different page options for different roles.

Comments (609)
Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

on 18 Apr 2022 21:06:48

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Managing roles should also be on pages level, not only on tables level. admin should be able to control pages that different users can see based on their assigned roles.

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

on 18 Apr 2022 21:06:47

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

In a Power BI report, hide or show certain pages based on the logged in user.

Maybe use user roles.

This makes it possible to use the same report for several profiles.

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

on 18 Apr 2022 21:06:47

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

The idea is to add in the authorization roles the option to show or hide sheets according to the permissions assigned to the user. This option is very useful and will allow to show different sheets according to the role assigned to each user.

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Ricardo Farinha on 31 Mar 2022 11:24:14

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

This kind of :PLS ( page level security ) ?VLS ( visual level security ) ?Is really needed, if this is developed it would increase 1000 fold the user experience for the end user, which should be what BI is all about.Please implement this Microsoft, thanks

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Mostafa Ramezanpour on 04 Mar 2022 14:30:13

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

RLS ( Done )PLS ( page level security ) ?VLS ( visual level security ) ?

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Jenny Yidong Huang on 23 Feb 2022 07:52:54

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

The coditional page navigator is not exist in the latest version of Power BI. Sad....otherwise it is really helpful for the page level security control

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Charl Ekkerd on 21 Feb 2022 09:40:40

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Any news on this?Much needed feature!

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Saddam Hussain on 11 Feb 2022 15:02:46

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Bookmark Security,I created two Bookmark on the same page, Now I need to apply Security based on users for each Bookmarks.Please let me know if this is possible in power bi.

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Jonathan Schlereth on 26 Jan 2022 17:25:56

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Nearing a year since this was marked as "Under Review". Any update on this? As others have stated, the work around is not sufficient from a security stand point. And (again as others have stated) multiple dashboards causes multiple headaches.

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Jonathan Brosseau on 14 Jan 2022 21:00:09

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

This should be already included in Power Bi. The workaround propose can be easily bypassed by exporting to PDF or PowerPoint for a user who is consulting the report on the web.Upgrade with this feature this ASAP.

Merged Idea (8)