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Under Review

Page (Tab) level Security.

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Piyush Dhameja on 14 Sep 2016 13:09:18

Add security to show/hide any specific page (Tab) on a report based on users privileges / Roles.

Administrator on 18 Apr 2024 09:59:22

Thanks for all the feedback! Currently, Power BI does not have a security feature for pages; however, using conditional page navigation and RLS, you can create a custom navigation experience that shows different page options for different roles.

Comments (609)
Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Yannick Hogebrug on 04 May 2021 09:46:51

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

This is really essential and every Power BI developer needs this, please implement asap!

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Mohammed SUHEL on 27 Apr 2021 08:53:17

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Any update, how much time would it take Even Microsoft require Years to get in Product we are asking this feature because it would ease our work.

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Martin K on 21 Apr 2021 14:30:34

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

There is another Idea and should be merged with this idea:

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Marlon Kaltenborn on 20 Apr 2021 19:32:51

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

This would make so many things, so much easier. Please implement!

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Lan Dao on 19 Apr 2021 18:19:41

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Please provide this feature!

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

NA NA on 06 Apr 2021 21:54:02

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

The work around doesn't work for 99% of use cases and we really need this functionality natively.

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Mohammed SUHEL on 25 Mar 2021 04:06:59

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Elegant solution however don’t forget it’s still a work around, I see few Issues with this solution mentioned by “ADMINISTRATOR” are listed below.
1. If report has “REPORT BOOKMARKS” user can still bypass the page navigation and access the pages. – Please give report authors to hike the “REPORT BOOKMARKS”.
2. Export to “PPT” – user can still bypass the page navigation and access the information.
3. Export to “PDF” – user can still bypass the page navigation and access the information.
So, we need a proper Page security so we can use single report/App for different department with Page security. Thanks

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Maria Skouloudi on 23 Mar 2021 10:20:39

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

We still need this feature. is there any update?

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Christopher Thoms on 11 Mar 2021 15:01:34

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

This would be incredibly useful. Please implement ASAP!

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 10 Mar 2021 15:10:34

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Please add this as soon as possible. This is essential.

Merged Idea (8)