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Under Review

Page (Tab) level Security.

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Piyush Dhameja on 14 Sep 2016 13:09:18

Add security to show/hide any specific page (Tab) on a report based on users privileges / Roles.

Administrator on 18 Apr 2024 09:59:22

Thanks for all the feedback! Currently, Power BI does not have a security feature for pages; however, using conditional page navigation and RLS, you can create a custom navigation experience that shows different page options for different roles.

Comments (617)
Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

David Salas on 12 Aug 2021 01:22:54

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

What is so terribly hard about this? At a basic level, the only functional improvement that needs to be added is to enhance the Permissions model at the page level. This allows for the existing Report/App level permissions to remain, and within that permission scope each page can be assigned specific permissions, with the report/app level scope set as the default.

This doesn't require any changes to the existing RLS model, so that a page that has RLS continues to work as currently implemented.

This model would also keep the same security context whenever a report is exported to PPT, PDF or Analyzed in Excel.

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Jorge Leonardo Alderete on 03 Aug 2021 19:56:13

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Omar como solucionaste este tema?


Leo A

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Mohammed SUHEL on 03 Aug 2021 03:22:06

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Please do consider below point before doing a public preview.
1. If report has “REPORT BOOKMARKS” user can still bypass the page navigation and access the pages. – Please give report authors to hike the “REPORT BOOKMARKS”.
2. Export to “PPT” – user can still bypass the page navigation and access the information.
3. Export to “PDF” – user can still bypass the page navigation and access the information.
So, we need a proper Page security so we can use single report/App for different department with Page security. Thanks

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James Arthur on 29 Jul 2021 10:47:44

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Please Microsoft, 
Do something about this as we have been waiting for the past 5 years for this Page Level Security

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Shubham Choudhary on 12 Jul 2021 10:08:13

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

Creating multiple pages also wont suffice the requirement here consider below scenario:

we achieved navigation by using custom formatting of page navigation and users navigated to relevant pages on Published version based on their roles . what if
"page A user capture the URL information for Page A and shared URL to another user who should not supposed to access Page A since User B is also part of RLS so he also able to access content in Page A on the time user access the URL since no Page level restrictions are there but Page A was not created for User B".


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Shubham Choudhary on 12 Jul 2021 10:00:53

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

This should be standard feature for Power BI by considering sensitive information which we are exposing and target audience which will access those information.

By adding this feature , we can avoid creation of multiple reports based on sensitive Data and relevant audience which will consume those information.

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Keith Davies on 26 Jun 2021 06:32:58

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

This is important feature for my organisation.
Is any update on whether it is actually being worked on rather than just "Under Review"?

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Alex Butterworth on 18 Jun 2021 08:02:05

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

How is that not a standard feature?

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Xavier Dumas on 17 Jun 2021 19:53:11

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

I too need and vote for this Pbi Page level security feature. When can it become standard in the product? Thanks.

Piyush Dhameja's profile image Profile Picture

Sven de Bie on 15 Jun 2021 05:28:47

RE: Page (Tab) level Security.

This should be standard behaviour. Hopefully it will be there soon. Don't know how long it's under review unfortunately.

Merged Idea (8)