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deployment pipeline should allow to assign reports to existing workspaces

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Amina Zahab on 23 Nov 2023 11:55:35

Deployment pipeline creates its own workspaces for dev test and so on. But it should have the capability to deploy the reports to existing workspaces rather than creating new ones.

Administrator on 12 Dec 2023 19:00:58

Hi, This capbility exist today.
When creating a new deployment pipeline, the only way to first add content to it is by assigning an existing workspace to one of the stages (typically Dev).
Deploymen pipelines create new workspaces only when deploying a stage with workspace assigned to it, to its neighbour "empty" stage.
However, there is an option to assign an existing workspace to the "empty" neighbour stage as well rather than deploy to it, and then deploy the reports to this existimh workspace.