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Date formatting in date slicer

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Kevin H on 01 Apr 2017 02:19:51

The improved date slicer is great. However, when using it in Between/Before/After mode, I want the dates to be displayed in the same way as in List/Dropdown mode. (That is, the way I've formatted them in my Power BI data model.)

For example, we format all of our dates like '2017-03-31'. But in Between/Before/After mode, the date slicer always displays dates like '3/31/2017'.

Comments (11)
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Arvid Bäärnhielm on 05 Jul 2020 23:42:33

RE: Date formatting in date slicer

Yes! This!

Why are americans still trying to impose the strange dd/mm/YYYY date format when the rest of the world knows better. The ISO 8601 format of YYYY-mm-dd is just as short and has the benefit of being both non-ambiguous and _international standard_!