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Unable to refresh the Excel Workbook file (.xls files) from Power BI service.

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Pavan Malavathu on 20 Oct 2020 15:23:51

We are trying to refresh the Excel file(.xls) in SharePoint from the Power BI service and getting the Error and when we try connecting from Desktop also we are seeing the Error.

'Excel Workbook: The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. The 64-bit version of the Access Database Engine 2010 Access Database Engine OLEDB provider may be required to read this type of file. To download the client software, visit the following site:'.

For getting refresh successful, We need to install the mentioned driver from the link. As the share point is the cloud source, we are unable to install the required driver.

So we need to convert the .XLS file to .XLSX file in order to succeed the refresh.

It would be helpful if you implement the refresh of .xls files without converting it in the near future of the Power BI releases.