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Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

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Miguel Myers's profile image

Miguel Myers on 08 Oct 2024 05:00:00

Imagine a world where report creators can automatically apply slicer and filter selections based on specific logic, revolutionizing data analysis and user experience. This innovative approach eliminates any need for complex workarounds, optimizes slicer functionality, and paves the way for more efficient and effective data reporting.

Comments (419)
Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Cisab on 06 Jul 2020 00:13:24

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

Relative slicer for 'last month' doesn't help. We need to have a dynamic default selection on a slicer with a list of months (same for years).

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:13:01

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

would be nice to use drill through to an existing page with filters.
That the filter from the starting page is transferred to the secondpage.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Melanie Greenslade on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:58

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

I have a date filter and new data is added in each day. I want the default date to move to the newest date automatically rather than having to do it manually as at present. I want the user to be able to filter by previous dates if they want, so can't use the relative date function.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Youssef Youssef on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:51

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

I have seen a lot of posts that mention how we can use ISFILTERED and ALLSELECTED functions to create default behavior on Charts. From a User Experience, these default selections need to be shown as selected in the slicers so users understand they are not seeing all records but specific records.

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Arjan Fraaij on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:48

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

Sticky filter is not the same.

Because thats for the current user. We want to have a slicer to be able to dynamic select current year as default. So each user that opens the report in Power BI service will have last year selected..

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Jim Richards on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:31

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

for a date slicer: allow me to say tomorrow or today +3...

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Bertrand Moser on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:21

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

I have a hierarchical slicer that represents the company organisation. let's assume that this hierarchy is based on cost centers.
by default, this hierarchical slicer shall select the cost center of the connected user. but for benchmark analysis he ought select another cost center of the company.

Let me know if such expected behavior will be covered by this topic.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

SudharshanKopperla on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:21

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

our report has RLS, so for each user the default value of slicer should change.

Eg : If I have access to region A, B, C.. they want by default 'A' to be selected from dropdown when user opens a report.

If User 2 have access to region D, E, F.. they want default 'D' to be selected from dropdown when user opens the report.

and so on..

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Mads Pedersen on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:20

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

It would also be very useful if you could set a date offset.
For example, "-14" days. Then the slicer would always show the current date and 14 days back.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

KumarBI on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:13

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

Last response from Microsoft team is in 2018 Feb. is there any update on this.
we have quarterly reports, and refreshing manually on RS to show current/new quarter as default.

Merged Idea (1)