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Power BI


Adding Gear Icon to applied step in Power Query when "removing columns" to allow for easier updates using gui vs editing M query

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Tom Fisher on 11 Jan 2023 21:48:58

Goal - to be able to add an applied step that removes columns, and allows it to be edited with a Gui pick list vs editing M code in formula bar

Desired outcome

1 - select multiple columns in power query editor query table

2 - right click on columns and select "remove columns"

3 - In the properties pane this should create an applied step with a gear icon next to the applied step

4 - ability to click on the gear icon next to the applied step and have a Gui select list pop up to edit the removed columns

What currently happens - when selecting "remove columns", an applied step is created, but no gear icon is added. To edit the selection, it requires editing the M code in the formula bar.

There is already a gear option when selecting "remove other columns" which allows a pick list. One workaround is if a customer has 30 columns and want to remove 2 columns, they select "remove other columns" and select 28 columns to remove 2. This creates a gear icon next to a "remove other columns" step - which is confusing.