Rflad on 13 Apr 2016 16:08:02
At this time, a gateway will not function properly if you are using data sources and one is online and one is on-prem. As soon as the online data source is added, the gateway is designed to gray out because Power BI interprets that it is no longer needed. I would like to be able to combine data sources from both on-prem and online sources together with the use of gateways.
Administrator on 25 Apr 2023 23:33:37
Was finished a while back...marking as finished https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/service-gateway-mashup-on-premises-cloud
- Comments (238)
RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources
so no update in more than 3 months?
RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources
Is there any update on the oAuth connection for Enterprise Gateways?
RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources
I have been directed to this feed for a solution. This is not a solution...yet! Please can you advise when this is going to be up and running. I require the enterprise gateway to load both on prem & cloud based data sources ASAP!!!
RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources
Any ETA on this? rough estimation( next week, month, next qurter..) would be really helpful.. we can then plan our near term projects accordingly
RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources
Hi All,
Really need this to happen, so much trouble updating datasets must be online to do so!!! So would be a great solution to ongoing schedule refresh issue for online data.
I hope this becomes available ASAP!!!
RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources
Hi, is there expectation date for this in next month?
RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources
Hello, what is the expectation date for this?
This feature is much needed.
Thank you!
RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources
Hi, any progress updates on this available?
RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources
Hi MArk (27th Jan) I quite agree. Lets see if we can create some action from the product team and get an ETA on this.
Dimah can you ask Charles (Chaz) if there is an ETA on this ? ANd post it here to keep the community uptodate please.
RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources
Looking forward to this!