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input fields

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Power BI User on 20 Aug 2015 23:29:33

What about adding input fields to the dashboard widgets. Kind of like the text field but it is enabled for user input. This input field can be used in new column and new measure fields so that once the dashboard is set up the user can easily (without filtering) explore the data by entering different values such as if you had an input box for unit price. Then if you change it all the charts of total sales, revenue, etc. Will update to reflect what would happen if you increase the price by 10%. This will enable people to quickly and easily interrogate the data

Administrator on 08 Oct 2024 03:13:06

Mo 10/7/2024 - This is planned

Thanks for the feedback! This is something we'd like to get to in the future but don't have any plans for at the moment. We suggest checking out the visual Text filter on AppSource in the interim.

Comments (256)
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Luigi Neri on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:19

RE: input fields

That's ridiculous!!! That's the single most important feature that you want. I want a truly dynamic dashboard and at the moment it seems to me that I can achieve more dynamicity through Excel that with this !!! That's unbelievable !!!!

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Debbie on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:14

RE: input fields

How can I prompt the user to enter a parameter without having to go through Power BI Desktop? In Report Builder when you published a file, if the user opened it, they would be asked to enter a parameter to be used in creating the report.

We can currently do this with Report Builder.

I don't want a user to have to use Power BI. I want them to click on a link that opens a file and prompts them to input what item number they want the report to print for.
I don't want to use a slicer because the list to select what to slice could be long.

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Clayton Taylor on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:06

RE: input fields

This would be huge for data exploration and project management. If a data analyst has put together a half way decent report, a feature like this would let others who aren't data savvy explore scenarios more easily.

For example, a project manager wants to know how long a project will take. Data analyst has put everything together and created visuals to help with that projection. In today's Power BI, you cannot make projections unless you've already baked in every data point (totally useless for this scenario); just being able to edit the number of people working on the project would be huge, let alone task breakdowns and exposing more complex math with a simple text input. This feature would likely be a stepping stone for more innovative features to help set Power BI apart.

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Josh Marek on 05 Jul 2020 23:37:47

RE: input fields

This really needs to move from Backlog as it would make reports i am trying to build much easier if i could have the user input a value and it would store it so i could then use it. Just been too long to wait for something this important.

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Roberto Massucco on 05 Jul 2020 23:37:16

RE: input fields

This is a mandatory feauture for every BI tool, Power BI included. Please introduce it in the next future.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:37:12

RE: input fields

one of the most basic request from all end userS
and is missing from Power bi desktop,
it has been more more than 3 years
why is this still BACKLOG
How many team members working on the power bi desktop and still can not handle this idea

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Alex on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:53

RE: input fields

Please add some forms of inputting data for the user.

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Faiyaz Yousuf on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:32

RE: input fields

All traditional BI tools have this feature, PowerBI should have it, helps convert the old reports and dashboards to PowerBI.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:35:56

RE: input fields

I can think of many examples where this would be a great help. In particular it would be amazingly useful if we could add 'comments' that were aligned to the data, and the 'owners' of that data could update their comments directly.

We fudge this currently by manually exporting the monthly Top(n) Customers to an XLSx spreadsheet in OneDrive (to generate context for the input) and then sync the Spreadsheet back into the PBI report.

This is way too clunky and time consuming. Please consider adding some priority to this request.


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Jeroen on 05 Jul 2020 23:35:43

RE: input fields

Yeah this should be a no brainer for a BI tool like power BI.
consider this:

> salesman is going to contact a customer.
> salesman inputs customer number.
> dashboard shows customer profile. (e.g. latest purchases, avg turnover, etc.)
> salesman becomes super salesman.

Merged Idea (7)