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Calculated measures when live connected to MDX cubes

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Will Thompson on 04 May 2017 01:32:23

In May 2017 Power BI Desktop started supporting creation of DAX measures when working in live connect mode to an external SSAS model:

Vote on this idea if you want support for calculated measures against multidimensional models too.

Comments (167)
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rummy bo on 04 May 2024 14:07:27

RE: Calculated measures when live connected to MDX cubes

Are there any plans to add this feature in the next 5 months?Can you submit it here and let me know?

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Jorge Casanova on 25 Oct 2023 21:24:29

RE: Calculated measures when live connected to MDX cubes

We need this functionality urgently

Will Thompson's profile image Profile Picture

Igor Shekhounov on 28 Sep 2023 11:43:30

RE: Calculated measures when live connected to MDX cubes

Hey, MS guys, how many votes you need?How much more time must pass?

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Cameron Hicks on 11 Aug 2023 04:39:19

RE: Calculated measures when live connected to MDX cubes

We need better support for MDX cubes in Power Bi.

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Aaron Estrada on 12 Apr 2023 19:13:05

RE: Calculated measures when live connected to MDX cubes

I am evaluating PowerBI, I don't believe that this function is not enabled yet. Power BI is not a real BI Tool, disappointed

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Hamza LAHBABI on 14 Feb 2023 07:46:26

RE: Calculated measures when live connected to MDX cubes

This is th main reason why we can't use powerbi.

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Jorge Andres Rodriguez Rugeles on 06 Oct 2022 14:03:55

RE: Calculated measures when live connected to MDX cubes

any update for this

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Aaron Hubbard on 07 Oct 2021 02:34:18

RE: Calculated measures when live connected to MDX cubes

We still need this functionality! I've had to roll back to old versions of Power BI Desktop in order to preserve this feature.
This is essential when Power BI developers are building reports based on SSAS MD, where changes to the cube take way too long to implement (needing tickets, meetings, approvals, etc.). Give us back our agility!

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Kurt Denolf on 14 Sep 2021 14:36:38

RE: Calculated measures when live connected to MDX cubes

Any update on this please ?

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Jared Marshall on 17 Aug 2021 14:01:56

RE: Calculated measures when live connected to MDX cubes

Yes please, same experience as commenters below.

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