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Multi Row Card - Improvements

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Sam on 27 Jan 2017 15:57:27

In a multi rows card allow for the following
1. Increase no of Columns
2. Change orientation (Vertical / Horizontal)
3. Label (instead of only the measure name)
4. Format numbers individually

Administrator on 01 Apr 2024 05:44:41

Check out the new card visual

Comments (68)
Sam's profile image Profile Picture

Desirée Sutton on 05 Dec 2023 14:24:09

RE: Multi Row Card - Improvements

Similar ideas:

Sam's profile image Profile Picture

Michaela Maier on 26 Oct 2023 06:46:58

RE: Multi Row Card - Improvements

Also maybe allow individual filters for each KPI and also a "Slice By" option for KPIs

Sam's profile image Profile Picture

Chuck Eby on 31 Aug 2023 19:51:57

RE: Multi Row Card - Improvements

C'mon now!

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Allan Pearson on 24 Aug 2023 10:07:10

RE: Multi Row Card - Improvements

Six and a half years later and still no action on this. There seems to be a complete lack of insight into how this visual is used. Unfortunately, the new Card cannot be used as a replacement for this visual due to the excessive amount of padding on the new Card.

Sam's profile image Profile Picture

Usama Ahmed on 10 Aug 2023 09:02:26

RE: Multi Row Card - Improvements

Please also consider dynamic formatting of background/title/text colours. Currently you can only have a single colour for all cards but not different ones depending on the value of the cards.

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Christian Stanke on 28 Jul 2023 14:57:38

RE: Multi Row Card - Improvements

this is very important to make the visual more useful

Sam's profile image Profile Picture

Charity St. John on 20 Jul 2023 13:03:45

RE: Multi Row Card - Improvements

Please consider this!! I need to be able to sort cards by value and show horizontally.

Sam's profile image Profile Picture

Mike Angell on 01 Mar 2023 13:16:22

RE: Multi Row Card - Improvements

This is such an unpredictable visual. I've got one all on 1 line and others with 2 lines all on the same dashboard.Only way to change it seems to be to stretch or skew the shape - which is bonkers!

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. . on 24 Feb 2023 15:58:52

RE: Multi Row Card - Improvements

How many votes does it need to be finally considered?

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AUS 58 on 24 Feb 2023 06:37:06

RE: Multi Row Card - Improvements

Please add orientation and allow image sizing.