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Power BI

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two values and legend on line chart

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Clarke on 09 Sep 2015 05:51:53

We should be able to put two values and a legend on the same line chart.

Comments (99)
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Hugo MICHEL on 06 Mar 2021 21:03:21

RE: two values and legend on line chart

Come on guys tableau has had this feature for 2 years ! also there the same "Microsoft Idea" with almost as many upvotes.... ...

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Hugo MICHEL on 06 Mar 2021 20:58:35

RE: two values and legend on line chart

Totally agree, I think it is a must have

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Stefanie Vanneste on 24 Feb 2021 14:23:05

RE: two values and legend on line chart

Would improve a lot of dashboards!!

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Gabriel Lainesse on 11 Feb 2021 15:17:48

RE: two values and legend on line chart

Please add this feature. This is long overdue. It's time PowerBi catches up to Tableau regarding the customization of its default visuals.

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Srimahesh Tummalapenta on 06 Feb 2021 15:07:33

RE: two values and legend on line chart

This feature is needed

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Alex Blake on 01 Nov 2020 05:56:23

RE: two values and legend on line chart

Like the other guy said, needed ASAP. Here's another example: let's say you have 2 min and max thresholds defined as constant per some product in a DimTable. The Fact table contains the product details: ID, cost, etc, but not these 2 threshold values of min and max, which are different for each product AND do not represent the minimum or maximum value as computed by a MIN() or MAX() function--let me repeat it again: these values are the minimum and maximum threshold of a series of values (for ex, the min and max temperature a device can operate at, so you will have values greater and lower than these 2 min and max values that come from a DB Dim table), and these need to be displayed as 2 horizontal lines on a Line Chart when the y-axis represents temperature, for ex.

Currently, if we stay with the example given, you can only map temperature values onto the Y-axis from the Fact table but not the min and max values from the Dim table AT THE SAME TIME. If you want to do this, you need to start messing around with DAX and create 2 calculated columns in the Fact table that will receive the min and max values for each row item. The Fact table keeps growing every day and so the duplication of values from these 2 calculated columns is just adding to the table size, regardless of how good the Vertipaq or xVelocity engine is. In other words, it's not an elegant solution.

The elegant solution is to be able to just drag and drop value items that have the same scale from different tables onto the same line chart.

Also, having another choice than just Linear scale, such as Log scale, would be a nice feature.

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Manuel Ruiz on 23 Sep 2020 20:50:56

RE: two values and legend on line chart


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Jonathan Prins on 03 Sep 2020 17:48:57

RE: two values and legend on line chart

Please add this feature! It would be super helpful especially with calculation groups. Unfortunately I can't add more than one value, making my calculation groups nearly useless in visualizations

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A Johnson on 27 Aug 2020 10:55:36

RE: two values and legend on line chart

This should be a feature, incredibly limiting when looking at larger data sets.

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Jukka Nurminen on 18 Aug 2020 18:34:22

RE: two values and legend on line chart

It's hard to believe this is missing in 2020 still. Make it happen and the PBI community will join to "Mexican wave" (ref. world cup 1986) traveling around the globe.

Merged Idea (1)