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Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

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Miguel Myers's profile image

Miguel Myers on 08 Oct 2024 05:00:00

Interpreting visuals without a clear legend to indicate logic behind specific styles can lead to confusion and decision-making errors. An idea to enhance clarity and transparency by ensuring legends and tooltips accurately display colors, patterns, and other visual components influenced by logics, would enable report consumers to easily understand the applied logic and make more effective decisions.

Comments (122)
Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:50:35

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

Please add the ability to conditionally format text independent of background. It would make a huge difference for financial reporting and allow the correct emphasis to be placed on columns or outliers.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:49:16

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

yes, that would be great.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

RD on 05 Jul 2020 22:48:01

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

Yes, This would be nice, E.g Based on a measure value we should be able to conditional format the text with in the dashboard

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Kevin Fawcett on 05 Jul 2020 22:47:54

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

Really really would like to see conditional formatting for values in a matrix. ie Negative = Red font and positive = Black. Please add!!

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:47:37

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

conditional formatting does not currently allow for negative values in red, positive in black--please fix!

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:45:46

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

Yes, please add conditional formatting for dimensions (Text). We often have business logic that is applied during ETL and stored in the fact or dimension table, and being able to do conditional formatting like in Excel on text values would be very useful.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:45:29

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

I need to be able to have negative numbers automatically adjust the font color to red.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Devarshi on 05 Jul 2020 22:43:24

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

This is a very basic feature to show negative value in red color

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Phillip on 05 Jul 2020 22:41:00

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

Also conditional formatting should be able to use a different measure for the min or max values. Like explained in this suggestion.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Phillip on 05 Jul 2020 22:41:00

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

Quoting from Mike "There are other registered ideas that are almost the same as this one. This uncontrolled idea submitting option is not efficient. I think this is a really important feature but because of the inefficient registration does not get the votes it deserves (now its fragmented).

Not my text but I agree fully:
I think that Microsoft must spend more time on these basic, fundamentals of reporting / dashboarding. I worry that too often they spend more time chasing cool, "glitzy" functionality, at the expense of the core functionality that other products have

I have to agree as well. It's almost as if the Power BI developers are a bunch of Javascript programmers who know nothing of the decades of solid UX knowledge Microsoft has gained over 4 decades and are now relearning old lessons.

Also as far as looking for previously registered ideas is concerned, there doesn't seem to be a way to sort the search results by number of votes. Votes could be spread out over twenty duplicates and you end up wasting your vote on one copy that has zero votes instead of the duplicate with over 75 votes.

Merged Idea (1)