Power BI
CompletedComposite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Sander A. on 25 Jul 2018 14:39:12
We really love the new feature of 'Composite Models' in the Power BI July 2018 update! This enables us to join custom lists with DirectQuery sources.
It would also be beneficial if this would also work when connected to SSAS Tabular in DirectQuery.
This would stronlgy improve the enterprise features of Power BI.
Administrator on 18 Mar 2022 04:15:01
The preview is underway: DirectQuery for Power BI datasets and Azure Analysis Services (preview) | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI. Please try it and provide feedback.
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RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
A big vote for me for this too please - I need to maintain excel coding to manage historic data that's not coded correctly in the live data source
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
I agree that this a much needed feature if Power BI wants to be scalable and managable. However I can see why it would not be easy, as part of the attraction with Analysis services live query is that the data and the security model is hosted on the analysis server, not Power BI service. Multiple models hosted on the same analysis services server would be relatively "easy", but even then conflicting roles needs to be resolved. Adding connections from other sources into the Power BI service as well, would require the security model to be on the service platform. I acctually would welcome that move - a Power BI service integration layer with tenant level security models, but without the need to import that data hosted on live/direct query sources (Please don't ask how that would work :) I guess the model would have to be pushed to the sources).
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
I urge you to consider implementing this feature asap. Without this we are forced to govern all sorts of non-sustainable workaround solutions even for the most simple scenarios.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Would this also fix my business need to be able to combine a live Power BI Service dataset with other sources?
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
We have colleagues who feel forced to move to Tableau because of only this issue. (Oh no!) We need this in Power BI badly! Thanks!
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Game changing feature. Do it!
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
I think customization through "Composite Models" with SSAS tabular live connection could give a boost to our report.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
To be able to connect to multiple SSAS MD Cubes is a must have feature for us to have PowerBI in our organization. As simply growing one cube for both Data Volume and maintenance is a difficult option at the moment.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
until composite models are resolved for SQL Server Analysis Services I really can not use the product and have to resort back to Excel Power Pivots.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
This is a pretty typical use case - it would be very helpful to have this feature.